Welcome to Service Coordinators.net, a network portal designed to provide task-essential resources for Service Coordinators! The website was designed, developed and populated by Service Coordinator, Mario A. Lopez, to help the national community of Service Coordinators get HUD required training, track data, communicate, share ideas, and find resources to do their job more effectively. This resource website is your one-stop-shop for locating general service providers, affordable housing, benefits, senior networks, and a host of other things to make your job easier. Any Service Coordinator can join this network and make contributions for their individual community, or for the national community at large.
Since its inception, this resource has attracted the attention of others who share the same passion and who are equally dedicated at extending their supports to Service Coordinators across the nation, so take advantage of all of its resources and contribute what you can.
As you navigate through this website, please do get in contact and let us know what can improve, or be added. The aim is to make this website as useful and informative for your needs and those whom you serve. Thank you for visiting and making the best of this resource.
–Mario A. Lopez